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Some Helpful Facts on Pain and Tramadol

We all experience pain. Pain is a feeling or sensation that is felt as a result of the normal functions of the nervous system. It may come and go, or it may be constant. A person may feel pain in one area of the body such as the back, abdomen, or chest. Much worse, the pain may be felt all over the body especially when a person is suffering from the flu.
Still, pain is a natural human response to physical stress. It is actually a means to protect our body from more serious harm or injury. Without pain, a person might seriously hurt himself without knowing it. Without pain, a person would not have a compelling reason to stop a strenuous activity or take time to rest. Pain and illness, in general, help us realize the need for rest and recognize a medical problem that needs appropriate treatment. Once a person takes care of the problem, the pain eventually goes away. However, sometimes pain goes on for weeks, months or even years. This is called chronic pain. Sometimes chronic pain is due to an ongoing cause, such as cancer or arthritis. Sometimes the cause is unknown.
Fortunately, there are many ways to treat pain.
Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. Tramadol is in a class of medications called opiate agonists. It works by changing the way the body senses pain. Tramadol extended-release tablets are only used by people who need regular round-the-clock pain medication.
Tramadol is available as a prescription drug and sold under the brand name Ultram. Other brands or generic formulations are also being sold in the market. Tramadol should be taken exactly as directed by the doctor. If a person does not understand directions for the patient information leaflet that comes with every Tramadol pack, it is advisable to again consult the doctor who gave the prescription.
Tramadol comes in tablet form and has an extended-release variant that is also taken by mouth. The regular tablet is usually taken with or without food every 4-6 hours as needed. The extended-release tablet should be taken once a day. Tramadol should be taken exactly as directed. The medication should not be taken more than prescribed by the doctor.
However, almost all drug-related literature or pharmacy sites provide information about known and possible side effects of a certain medication. Side effects are often minor problems that occur when treatment goes beyond the desired effect.
Tramadol side effects have been carefully documented by its manufacturers, most of which are tolerable and pose no serious health risk. However, it is standard procedure for drug manufacturers to list all known side effects of their products.
Tramadol side effects include constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, headache, dizziness, a fast or fluttering heartbeat, mild hallucination, mood changes, confusion, so-called “pins and needles”sensation, mild sexual problems, skin rashes, or difficulty in urination. Tramadol side effects other than those mentioned may also occur. There are other Tramadol side effects that could be experienced by its users. It is advisable to inform the doctor about any unusual problems encountered while taking this medication.
Side effects cannot be anticipated. Along with their useful effects all medicines can cause unwanted side effects, which usually improve as the body adjusts to the new medicine. When side effects of necessary medications become severe, the corrective measure usually involves taking a second medication, having a lifestyle or dietary change, and other health-promoting actions that may help reduce the pain.

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Perfect Partners Tramadol and Physical Exercise

Leading an active, healthy lifestyle is crucial to having long, productive years. People are now more conscious about their health. Many have included exercise and other health-enhancing activities to their daily regimen. However, the lack of professional supervision and wrong exercise procedures have exposed a lot of people to muscle pain. Occasional muscle pain, if left untreated, may hinder one’s quality of life. Health experts say that muscle overuse and physical exertion are the main culprits behind muscle pain. In may cases, the pain tends to affect specific muscles. Muscle pain may be experienced before or after a certain strenuous activity.
Muscle overuse is one of the most common causes of muscle pain. It is a small-scale but potentially harmful muscular disturbance that develops when muscles are exposed to extreme or prolonged stress. Repetitive stress may lead to the development of micro-tears on the tissue and cause a greater tear over a period of time. In addition to these effects, overused muscles may lose up to 40 to 50 percent of its normal strength. This condition may be painful and could have a negative impact on one’s physical performance. Neglected injuries could linger and hamper a person’s mobility later on in life.
Individuals who suffer from muscle pain may use pain relieving drugs. One of the most notable medications for pain relief is Tramadol, a synthetic pain reliever that has gained the approval of many doctors across the United States. It works by binding the receptors of the brain which are responsible for transmitting painful sensations throughout the body. Several medical studies show that this medication has a low abuse rate compared to other pain relievers. In addition, Tramadol side effects are milder compared to other pain relieving drugs out in the market.
Tramadol side effects may include the following:
drowsiness and vomiting
Despite its effectiveness and safety, individuals who want to use Tramadol should seek the approval of their doctors before starting on the medication. This medicine may not be used by individuals with certain ailments or those who are using other drugs. Care should be taken to avoid adverse drug interactions.
Moreover, it is best to realize that injury prevention is better than cure. Although injuries are inevitable, especially for those who participate in competitive sports, there are some things people can do to limit stress on the body. Regular stretching before and after physical activity coupled with conditioning training is important in the prevention of injuries. Individuals who engage in physical activities should do them properly and in moderation because fatigue or physical exhaustion may heighten the risk of developing injuries. Finally, the best advice for anyone working out or playing sports is to perform only with proper technique. Bad form will always result in undue stress to the body and lead to injury. If these things fail, the use of Tramadol together with rest and physical therapy may alleviate muscle pain and discomfort.

Become Aware of the Side Effects of Tramadol

Tramadol is one popular example of an atypical opioid that basically works as an analgesic or pain reliever. This drug, which is known to be a synthetic or man-made form of analgesic, is prescribed to individuals who are experiencing moderate to severe pain condition. This type of medication was spearheaded by a known German pharmaceutical institution and was primarily introduced as Tramal. After a couple of years, the original developer of the said drug cross licensed it to other companies worldwide. Tramadol then was marketed under several brand names.
Tramadol’s custom marketing packages are available in oral and injectable forms. It is considered a controlled form of drug in most countries such as Australia and the United States. This type of opioid requires prescription in the said two countries.
As stated earlier, Tramadol is one of the most commonly recommended medications to treat pain. Some health experts also recommend this drug as treatment to abate symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition, this drug is also used by animal specialists to treat chronic and post-operative pain conditions experienced by cats and dogs.
Just like other medications, Tramadol also has side effects. A person should consult his doctor when the following side effects of Tramadol occur:
* weakness
* blurred vision
* sleep problems
* vomiting
* nausea
* loss of appetite
* constipation
* flushing
* drowsiness
Those who experience the above mentioned side effects can still continue taking Tramadol, but doctor consultation is a must.
Consumers should immediately stop taking Tramadol and consult a doctor when the following side effects occur:
* weak pulse
* red blistering or peeling of the skin
* convulsion or seizure
* shallow breathing
Moreover, immediate medical attention is a must when allergic reactions such as swelling of the throat, tongue, lips, and face as well as difficulty in breathing occur.
Important info on Tramadol
Although Tramadol is a very popular type of analgesic, there are a number of important things that consumers need to know about Tramadol before considering to take them. The following are the most important facts that consumers should know about the said drug:
* Tramadol is not advisable to individuals who are or who have been addicted to alcohol or drugs. This type of analgesic drug can slow down a person’s breathing and increase drowsiness.
* Individuals who are recommended to take Tramadol are strictly advised to take the said drug exactly as it was prescribed by the physician. Taking Tramadol in large doses can lead to serious and even fatal health complications.
* It is not advised to suddenly stop taking Tramadol without telling the doctor about it. When a person suddenly stopped taking the said drug, withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, diarrhea, chills, and hallucinations, may possibly occur.
* Tramadol is for oral use only. It is not advised to crush a Tramadol tablet. Powdered Tramadol tablet should never be diluted with liquid or inhaled. When this drug is injected or inhaled, it may result to overdose or death.
* Seizures are also common among individuals who are taking Tramadol. A person is more likely to experience seizure when he has a history of alcohol / drug addiction or metabolic disorder.

Know Your Tramadol Side Effects

Ultram, also known by the name Tramadol, is a potent, prescription-only pain killer. There is currently very little information detailing how Tramadol works in the body, but there have been several theories put forward. Some believe that it works in a similar manner to morphine, which can represent anywhere from 5% to 10% of the formula, depending on what variant of the medication is being used. It has also been noted that some aspects of the average formula for Tramadol contains properties that affect the levels of serotonin in the body. It is very effective at doing what its supposed to do, but that doesn’t mean that the list of Tramadol side effects doesn’t exist.
Tramadol side effects tend to differ with every area of the body that is affected. In most cases, only some areas of the body display side effects, but there have been some rare instances where the entirety of the body has been affected. In the rare cases (roughly 1% to 5% of all instances) that the entire body is affected, the most common side effect to be seen is malaise. Malaise is a general feeling of something being wrong with the body, though it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what. On rare occasions (roughly the same frequency as malaise), sleep disorders have also been noted as Tramadol side effects.
The cardiovascular system can also suffer side effects due to Tramadol use, though they are known to occur in only 1% of all instances. The most common side effect is an abnormal electrocardiograph (ECG) reading, but there are others. Hypertension has also been known to show up as a side effect of using this particular medication. Hepatitis has also been noted as a possible side effect, though the gastrointestinal condition is known to be among the rarest possible unwanted effects that Tramadol could produce in a person. Rashes and toxic epidermal necrolysis are known to be Tramadol side effects on the skin, with the former being more common and the latter being considered rare.
There may also be other side effects that are not common, which usually are the result of Tramadol interacting with other drugs or substances in the body. Side effects caused by this can be difficult to predict, mainly because there are too many variables and substances to consider. Some substances, notably alcohol and other narcotic pain killers, have been known to worsen the side effects of Tramadol. Other substances, when combined with this drug, may cause a person to feel sleepy or drowsy, as if they had just taken sleep medication or a mild sedative.
Tramadol side effects aside, the drug is among the more effective medications of this sort on the market. The side effects have a low risk factor and only rarely manifest, such that most people should have no worries about developing any. Even in cases where problems manifest, most of them are minor inconveniences at their worst and should not cause anyone to worry. There are chances where the side effects can cause a major medical problem, but for the most part, these can be easily avoided by sticking to the instructions given by the doctor and avoiding any substances that might interact poorly with the medication.